Suicide Notes

Suicide Notes

This poem is a collection of messages written to bid farewell to close ones, with unsaid words finding their way into a suicide note.

किताब: एक हमसफ़र

किताब: एक हमसफ़र

यह कविता हमें बताती है कि किताब पढ़ने से ज़िंदगी का बेरंग सफ़र भी ख़ूबसूरत हो जाता है और कैसे हम किताब की काल्पनिक दुनिया में खो जाते हैं।

Ode To A Lightingale

Ode To A Lightingale

In this poem, a man is reminiscing about his mother and expressing his love and gratitude towards her. Read this to your mom for Mother’s Day!

The Ballad Of Mother Earth

The Ballad Of Mother Earth

This poem is a wake-up call to act now and stop environmental damage. Here, Mother Earth is likened to a young girl who is slowly being destroyed.

Flashbacks Of Ata

Flashbacks Of Ata

In this poem, Prarthana relates her experiences listening to her Ata’s stories (Ata means grandfather in Assamese), and if you’ve been lucky enough to grow up with your grandparents, it will surely resonate with you.



पेश है एक साधारण देशवासी के दिल से निकले श्रद्धांजलि के कुछ शब्द, उन वीरों के लिए जिन्होंने अपने देश-प्रेम की मिसाल क़ायम करते हुए पुलवामा में शहादत हासिल की।

आँखों की नज़ाकत

आँखों की नज़ाकत

इस कविता में कवि ने एक प्रेमी के दृष्टिकोण से अपनी प्रेमिका की आँखों की तारीफ़ करते हुए अपने दिल के जज़्बातों को बयाँ किया है |

Postcards From Ziro

Postcards From Ziro

This poem started with the idea of long periods of time spent in waiting by people in love (living apart). A big part was played by a postcard from a friend in France which helped in the use of imagery. Months later, this poem was adapted to the landscapes of Ziro, Northeast India and the images of its sweeping hills and rivers that failed to fade from the poet’s mind. The poem was written in the course of one very staggered year.

On Living Alone

On Living Alone

What is it like to live alone in a city like Mumbai? Read this poem to find out all about the joys and perils of living alone.

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